Thursday, July 2, 2009

She's baaaack!!

Here are a few quick Mallory pics, it has been forever since we posted anything, enjoy

Too funny!! She fell in and couldn't get out, of course instead of helping her immediately and ran and got the camera.

Eric and Mallory at Nathan's wedding. They both clean up nice


What a big girl!!!!

Cousin Sierra and Mal splish splash fun

Pool fun

Attempting to color, I stress attempting

Ahh the special look Mal reserves just for me

Mal and Sierra

Mallory, Great Grandma Belle, and Sierra

Mallory and Great Grandma Belle

Angry at me for ending her water fun

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Two step Taylor

Mallory took her first two steps all by herself lastThursday. Of course she did this at the her sitters!! We have only seen her take one step. As you can see she giggles too much to get much further, she is so funny. We love our giggly little girl

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Almost 10 months old!!

Mallory is so funny, she smiles whenever we say cheese!!

Thank goodness Mommy took that bow out of my hair

Beware of Bubblehead!!!

Here is my nose

Mal and Rascal

Why daddy?? Why??

Hmm.. what it this??

I think it might be....

Check out Mallory's moves. Just ignore my singing. She was really getting down until I got out the camera.

Friday, January 2, 2009

Fun at Jacksonville Zoo!!

We had such a fun time at the zoo. There was so much to see and do. Mallory had a blast, I think her favorite were the lemurs

Mallory watching the lemurs!!


The Giraffes were so cool!! You could pay two bucks to feed them but unfortunately the line was really long and we were running out of time, maybe next time.

Mallory on the train.

Mallory spent most of the time on the train just grabbing at the chain, we had to pry it out of her hands.

Away we go

What is that???

It's a Lion!! Mallory loves cats!!! She got to see leopards, jaquars, cougars, cheetahs, but the lion was the coolest

Posing with the elephants. Mom's favorite!

Mom liked the elephants so much that she made me and daddy pose with them too!!

Mallory's First Christmas!!!!

Who is this crazy looking fella???

I want this tree!!

Cousins Garrett and Sierra

thanks Aunt Jen and Uncle Jason for my V smile!!

Thanks Aunt Kelly for my Christmas tutu!!

Mallory and Aunt Kelly

Mallory and her Pa pa

Mallory's new favorite toy!

Sierra, Holland, and Mallory

Check out my new hat!!!

My first Choo choo train
Wow, it has been a really long time since we posted anything!! December went by way too fast. Mallory had a great first Christmas even though she was sick with a cold and ear infection pretty much the whole time. We are so happy that she got to see so much of her family and friends, just wish there was more time. She is growing like crazy and is getting into everything! She has been crawling since around Thanksgiving and is now pulling up and starting to cruise. We know that walking is just around the corner. She turns 9 months old tomorrow, what happened to that little baby that we brought home from the hospital? Hope everyone had a great holiday season!!